Jifundishe Free Library

A free library for everyone

A place to learn

Established in 2008, The Jifundishe Free Library was the first private library space in the country, open to the public, offering library services as well as specialized educational programs for local villagers. This library has become the centerpiece for all of our projects and provides a safe, clean space for students of all ages to gather, study, learn and support each other. The library is open six days a week and offers thousands of books, a free, internet connected computer lab and puzzles, games and educational materials for children. Local villagers come daily to read local newspapers, talk about village issues and learn how to use computers or study basic English. This library is much more a “community center” than a library and is an oasis in a landscape that is devoid of educational opportunities and materials that are freely accessible.

patrons coming daily

primary and secondary textbooks